1 The basics

Basics to creating a network:

To set up a network, you'll need at least 3 servers. One is the bungeecord one, which will need about 1 gigabyte of ram, a lobby server, which is recommended to have 3-4 gigabytes, and one game mode server. We go more in-depth of how to create a server in #3.

Why start a network?

Having a network server is great, it will allow for more variety on your server so that more people join, it will allow users to make more friends, and it's a benefit to having one in general, however, starting a network server right at the beginning is NOT a good idea. It isn't a good idea because people that find your server will want to join a specific game mode, only to find that there is nobody on, because everyone will be spread out. It is also expensive to start and maintain a network server, because you'll have to pay for multiple servers, and to have them set up properly by your developers. Having a descent player base and then starting a network server will resolve these problems.

3 Setup you BungeeCord

What's Bungee?

How do I buy a bungee server?

How to Install and Configure BungeeCord

**BungeeCord:** 111.222.333.44:55555
**Hub:** 222.333.444.55:77777
**PvP:** 333.444.555.77:88888